International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Science IJIPVS

ISSN: 2278-1110

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IIMT Bhubaneswar


Machine Learning Approach for Smile Detection in Real Time Machine Learning Approach for Smile Detection in Real Time Images

Harsha Yadappanavar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering P.E.S Institute of Technology Bangalore – 560085, Karnataka, INDIA,

Shylaja S S
Department of Information Science and Engineering P.E.S Institute of Technology Bangalore- 560085, Karnataka, INDIA,


Recognizing facial expressions of human beings by a computer is an interesting and challenging problem. A system that performs the operation of face detection and facial feature extraction accurately and in real time would form a big step in achieving a human like interaction between man and machine. In this paper, we propose a method for detecting Smile in real time Images by machine learning approach. Machine learning method involves training a classifier and using it in real time images to determine smile. Our implemented approach has been tested on several Images from different databases and the achieved results were found to be very satisfactory.

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