IRNet publishes 16 journals quarterly in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (STEM). All the journal paper have to passed through a double blind review process before acceptance, which usually takes 3-4 months time.
For publication related matters please contact the Journal Series Editor:
Dr. Srikanta Patnaik,
Chairman, Board of Trustee,
IIMT, Bhubaneswar

Graduate Research in Engineering and Technology (GRET) (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2320-6632
Research in Engineering and Technology (GRET) is a multidisciplinary, refereed and indexed journal dedicated to publishing research work carried out by Master Degree students under the supervision of a faculty member. Normally research work carried out as a part of the graduate course in their final year course are meant for the partial fulfillment of their degree. However, the objective of this journal is to enhance the competency of project implementation and paper writing during the graduation level.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 3

International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-5721
IJATCE is a quarterly peer review journal which aims at publishing original, theoretical and practice oriented research papers related to Civil Engineering. This journal provides a forum for researchers, scholars, academicians and practitioners in the field of Civil Engineering at international level to discuss and disseminate their findings in advanced and emerging technologies in Civil Engineering.

International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-5950
The International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal that publishes theoretical and experimental research, their applications and future trends relevant to various streams of mechanical engineering. The IJARME publishes original research work with special emphasis on research and development in mechanical engineering that contributes significantly to further the knowledge in mechanical engineering and technology.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 9

International Journal of Communication Networks and Security (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-1882
IJCNS journal shall provide a new forum for dissemination of knowledge on both theoretical and applied research on computer network, communication and security with an ultimate aim to bridge the gap between these coherent disciplines of knowledge. This forum accelerates interaction between the above bodies of knowledge, and fosters a unified development in the next generation communication.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 1

International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-0371
IJCCT is a refereed journal in the field of Computer and Communication Technology, providing an international forum for professionals, engineers and researchers. IJCCT reports the new paradigms in this emerging field of technology and envisions the future developments in the frontier areas. The journal addresses issues for the vertical and horizontal applications in this area.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 62

International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-5292
IJCSI is a quarterly peer-reviewed international journal published in electronic form as well as print form. It publishes high quality original papers and comprehensive survey articles in all areas of computing science and informatics, with interfaces to life science, social sciences, engineering, health and medical sciences. IJCSI provides a forum for the communications of original research.

International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-5284
International Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a peer reviewed journal in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. The journal is published quarterly in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.

International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-5969
International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems (IJESS) is a scholarly international journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of theory and design of circuits, systems and devices for electronics, signal processing, and communication. IJESS publishes original research papers and review articles in the areas of electronics signals and communication systems both public communication systems (Telecommunication, mobile, Internet, and Cable TV) and private systems (Intranets, enterprise networks, LANs, MANs, WANs).
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index:19

International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Science (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2278-1110
The International Journal of Image Processing and Vision Sciences (IJIPVS) provides the latest industry findings useful to academicians, researchers, and practitioners regarding the latest developments in the areas of science and technology of machines, imaging, and their related applications, systems, and tools. This journal contains unique articles of original, innovative research in the area of computer science, education, security, government, engineering disciplines, software industry, vehicle industry, medical industry, and other fields.

International Journal of Instrumentation Control and Automation (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-1890
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the International Journal of Instrumentation, Control and Automation (IJICA). Our desire is to provide a forum for original research results on theory, design, experiments, and applications in all technical areas of instrumentation, control and automation. The journal covers three strongly related research areas including instrumentation, control and automation.

International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-6477
The field of mechanical and industrial engineering embraces a broad spectrum of technical activities including mechanical design and engineering along with the classical techniques of work methods, production and facilities planning, quality control and safety. It also embraces the fields of human factors, operations research, manufacturing systems, and organisation and management systems.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 4

International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2277-3436
International Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology (IJPPT) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to publish the significant research findings in all areas of pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology and related disciplines. IJPPT will be published quarterly per year. The journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The coverage of the journal includes all new theoretical and experimental findings in the fields of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology or any closely related fields. The journal also encourages the submission of critical review articles covering advances in recent research of such fields as well as technical notes.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 8

International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-4407
In spite of so many advancements in the power and energy sector over the last two decades, its survival to cater quality power with due consideration for planning, coordination, marketing, safety, stability, optimality and reliability is still believed to remain critical. Though it appears simple from the outside, yet the internal structure of large scale power systems is so complex that event management and decision making requires a formidable preliminary preparation, which gets still worsened in the presence of uncertainties and contingencies.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 1
SJIF Impact Factor 2020: 6.243
International Journal of Smart Sensor and Adhoc Network (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2248-9738
IJSSAN provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers, developers, working in the field of smart sensors and AdHoc networks to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work. IJSSAN publishes original papers, short papers, and review papers. Special Issues out of the conference devoted to important topics in sensor networks will also be published in IJSSAN.
Abstracting and Indexing
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Interscience Management Review (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2231-1513
IMR addresses the broad area of management science and its applications in industry and business. IMR invites professionals, academicians and policy-makers to contribute to disseminate knowledge through their research articles and to learn from each other's work. IMR encourages articles beyond the national boundaries in order to overcome cultural and national bias and to meet the changes in technology and global economy. International coverage which allows us to share information and knowledge and insight on a worldwide scale.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingh-index: 2

Undergraduate Academic Research Journal (Interscience Journals)
ISSN 2278-1129
UARJ is a peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal registered with the National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) that accepts submissions of any subject, from any undergraduate institution. We welcome submissions for publication in UARJ, from institutions ranging from engineering colleges to management, agriculture and Information Technology institutions. The review process for publication includes peer, graduate, and faculty referees, ensuring that the Journal publishes competitive material that follows the Journal’s standards for academic, creative, and passionate work.
Abstracting and Indexing
Google Scholar Ratingsh-index: 6