Since 2010, IRNet has organised more than 100 conferences in south Asian countries and the proceedings are published during the conferences. These proceedings are available in the site as Open Access conference papers.

Proceeding of International Conference on Power System Operation and Energy Management.
ISBN 978-93-81693-24-7
About ICPSOEM 2012 In spite of so many advancements in the power and energy sector over the last two decades, its survival to cater quality power with due consideration for planning, coordination, marketing, safety, stability, optimality and reliability is still believed to remain critical. Though it appears simple from the outside, yet the internal structure of large sca...
Chief Patron/ Program Chair:
Prof. (Dr.) Srikanta Patnaik President IRNet & Chairman, I.I.M.T., Bhubaneswar Intersceince Campus, At/Po.: Kantabada, Via-Janla, Dist-Khurda Bhubaneswar, Pin:752024. Orissa, INDIA