International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering IJATCE
ISSN: 2231-5721

Abstracting and Indexing

Strategies to Improve the Quality Parameter of Building Construction Projects in Sri Lanka
Asiri Hasantha Ranasinghe
Birmingham City University, United Kingdom
Iddamalgoda Pathiranage Tharindu Sandaruwan
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom
ayasinghe Aarachchige Bihara Janardana
nternational College of Business and Technology, Sri Lanka
Manoharan Kesavan
Wayamba University, Sri Lanka
Construction industry is a booming industry in Sri Lanka. Influence by the construction industry to the society in terms of both socially and economically cannot be underestimated since its contribution is high. Since this is a highly widening industry lots of beginners are coming to the industry as both investors and contractors. Every contractor is keen on increasing their market share. So, maintain the quality of these project is highly important in the current market. Poor quality in construction affects its every stakeholder. Safety issues, losing the strength of the structure, not enhancing the required appearance and additional cost for rectification has been some major issues due poor quality in the industry. Therefore, this research carried out to investigate strategies to improve the Quality parameter of building construction projects in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, mixed method research approach was selected. Accordingly, questionnaire survey was revealed imposing quality practices effect the quality in building construction projects, training and development of workers effect the quality in building construction projects, involvement of skilled staff and labour effect the quality in building construction projects, lack of skilled staff and labour effect the quality in building construction projects, utilization of new technology effect the quality in building construction projects, and quality of materials effect the quality in building construction projects are the critical factors affect quality of building projects in Sri Lanka. Through the qualitative approach it was recommended suitable practical solutions to control the above identified critical factors.
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