International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology IJCCT
ISSN: 2231-0371

Abstracting and Indexing

Studies on Dimultigraph and Prograph Based Applications of Graph Theory in Computer Science
Biswajit Bhowmik
Department of Computer Science & Engineering Bengal College of Engineering & Technology Durgapur – 713 212 India
Graph Theory has gained an impulsion in the past few years in rapacious dimensions. Day by day with rapid advancements of the technology, its demand for proper utilization of resources is increasing at a drastic rate. Simultaneously, it has emerged as one of the most powerful tools for the illustration and solution of the problems that are basically chronological in nature. And many seemingly diverse problems in computer science have been worked out with the help of this thought. A special approach (DPBA model) for different kinds of graphs and their applications in computer science is proposed in this paper. It introduces dimultigraph by considering digraph. The approaches of dimultigraph are enumerated in simple manner. Introduction of prograph in performance evaluation in the model reflects its freshness as well as widely acceptance both theoretically and in implementation.
Recommended Citation
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