International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology IJCCT
ISSN: 2231-0371

Abstracting and Indexing

Design and Simulation of Rotary Field Ferrite Phase Shifter using Ansoft HFSS
Parul Dawar
Department Of Electronics and Communications, Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology, Rajouri Garden,new Delhi-110064
HFSS is a high-performance full-wave electromagnetic (EM) field simulator for arbitrary 3D volumetric passive device modeling.It employs the Finite Element Method (FEM), adaptive meshing, and brilliant graphics. This paper reports the measured phase shift characteristics of C-band phase shifters constructed from lithium ferrites. This is done by first magnetizing the ferrite rod in perpendicular (to direction of propagation) direction and then in longitudinal (parallel to direction of propagation). Thereby, giving a phase shift of 90 degrees. It has been proved that by giving a phase shift of 90 degrees to the magnetic field, we will get the phase shift of twice the rotation i.e. 180 degrees.
Recommended Citation
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