International Journal of Communication Networks and Security IJCNS
ISSN: 2231-1882
Abstracting and Indexing
Dept CSE/IT LITS Khammam, A. P INDIA
Dept CSE/IT LITS Khammam, A. P INDIA
Dept CSE/IT LITS Khammam, A. P INDIA
Query optimizer is an important component in the architecture of relational data base management system. This component is responsible for translating user submitted query into an efficient query evolution program which can be executed against the database. The present query evolution existing algorithm tries to find the best possible plan to execute a query with a minimum amount of time using mostly semi accurate statistical information (e.g. sizes of temporary relations, selectivity factors, and availability of resources). It is a static approach for generating optimal or close to optimal execution plan. Which in turn increases the execution cost of the query to reduce the execution cost of the query; I propose a new dynamic query optimization algorithm which is based on greedy dynamic programming algorithm uses randomized strategies and reduces the execution cost of the queries and system resources and also it works efficiently with distributed and centralized databases.
Recommended Citation
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