International Journal of Instrumentation Control and Automation IJICA
ISSN: 2231-1890
Abstracting and Indexing
Some Target Coverage Issues of Wireless Sensor Network
Purnima Khuntia
KIST, KIST, Bhubaneswar,India,
P.K. Pattnaik
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Konark Institute of Science and Technology Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India,
Wireless Sensor Network is an emerging field that is achieving much importance due to its immense contribution in varieties of target specific applications. One of the active issues is Target Coverage that deals with the coverage of a specific set of targets. Static sensor nodes are being deployed in a random manner to monitor the required targets and collect as much information as possible. In this Paper we have presented an overview of WSN and some of the strategies of the Target Coverage Problem.
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