International Journal of Instrumentation Control and Automation IJICA
ISSN: 2231-1890
Abstracting and Indexing
Minimize Logic Synthesis FPGA – Extraction And Substitution Problems
Nguyen Huu Khanh Nhan
Department of Electrical - Electronic, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,
Malinichev D.M.
nt of Communications - Informatics, Moscow Technical University, Moscow, Russia2Departme,
The objective of multi-level logic synthesis of FPGA is to find the “best” multi-level structure, where “best” in this case means an equivalent presentation that is optimal with respect to various parameters such as size, speed or power consumption... Five basic operations are used in order to reach this goal: decomposition, extraction, factoring, substitution and collapsing. In this paper we propose a novel application of Walsh spectral transformation to the evaluation of Boolean function correlation. In particular, we present an algorithm with approach to solve the problems of extraction and substitution based on the use of Walsh spectral presentation. The method, operating in the transform domain, has appeared to be more advantageous than traditional approaches, using operations in the Boolean domain, concerning both memory occupation and execution time on some classes of functions.
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