International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering IJMIE
ISSN: 2231-6477

Abstracting and Indexing

Intake Manifold Noise Prediction Due to the Combined Effects of Combustion Loads and Fluid Flow
Munikiran Ramisetti
Engineering Design Department, Anna University
Srinivasan K
College of Engineering, guindy, Anna University, India
Reduced engine noise has contributed greatly to the comfort of today’s passenger vehicles. The trend towards lighter vehicles has led to massive increase in the use of plastic parts, especially for engine components such as intake manifolds and intake air pipes. The primary purpose of using a plastic material instead of conventional aluminum cast for intake manifold is to reduce its weight and cost. The engine power can be increased with the help of improved interior surface roughness and lowered air temperature. The increased usage of plastics for air intake manifold (AIM) production, in place of metallic materials, made the NVH optimization more complicated. In recent years, automotive engine manufacturers are increasingly focusing their attention on noise generated by plastic air intake manifolds (AIMs). The main objective is to predict the B12D engine intake manifold noise due to the combined effects of combustion loads and fluid flow pressure at various engine speeds (2000rpm-6400rpm). The meshing of intake manifold was done in finite analysis software HYPERMESH. The post processing was done in NASTRAN software to get the noise levels in AIM. The analytical results were validated by using experimental results.
Recommended Citation
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