International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering IJMIE
ISSN: 2231-6477

Abstracting and Indexing

Development Of A Quick Approach For Engine Block High Cycle Durability Analysis
S.Surendar Chandran
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of engineering, Anna university, Chennai
Srinivasan K.
College of Engineering, guindy, Anna University, India
The present work deals with understanding the current process of estimating the fatigue safety factors for engine block. To capture the loading in cylinder block, real time rotating and reciprocating loads are applied at the initial firing angle and at every subsequent 5 or 10 degrees of crankshaft rotation. This could results in 144 or 72 analysis load steps to represent the complete cycle. This involves enormous computation time and adversely affects the design cycle time. This work involves the identification of the crank angles which contribute to maximum and minimum stresses that are acting during operation. Thereby reducing the number of analysis steps with a benefit of saving time and high performance computation and quicker design solution. A method is proposed to minimize the number of crank angles using Abaqus for estimating the engine block fatigue. Using the new approach reassessment was made on the fatigue calculation.
Recommended Citation
1. C Zing (1998) ‘fatigue life prediction method in engine
cylinder head International Journal of fatigue, Vol. 19, pp.
2. F Mithun (2002) ‘A new approach for life prediction of high
cycle fatigue under multi axial variable amplitude loading,
International Journal of fatigue, Vol. 20, pp. 121-131.
3. Nirmala Datta and J M Siva (2002) ‘Durability analysis of
the generator engine cylinder block, Journal of engineering
failure analysis, Vol 7, pp 347-358.
4. Anderson and criag chappel (2008) ‘A Multi axial criteria
for notched high cycle fatigue using quick method, Journal
of engineering fracture mechanics, Vol 70, pp 1724-1734
5. Jig Lee, Phong-Xing Zhang and Chung Lee (2008) ‘Multi
axial fatigue life prediction for various metallic materials
based on new approaches, International Journal of fatigue,
Vol. 23, pp. 91-100