International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering IJMIE
ISSN: 2231-6477

Abstracting and Indexing

Modelling and Analysis of Composite Leaf Spring under the Static Load Condition by using FEA
M. M. Patunkar
MGM’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
D. R. Dolas
MGM’s Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
Leaf springs are one of the oldest suspension components they are still frequently used, especially in commercial vehicles. The past literature survey shows that leaf springs are designed as generalized force elements where the position, velocity and orientation of the axle mounting gives the reaction forces in the chassis attachment positions. Another part has to be focused, is the automobile industry has shown increased interest in the replacement of steel spring with composite leaf spring due to high strength to weight ratio. Therefore, analysis of the composite material becomes equally important to study the behavior of Composite Leaf Spring. The objective of this paper is to present modeling and analysis of composite mono leaf spring (GFRP) and compare its results. Modelling is done using Pro-E (Wild Fire) 5.0 and Analysis is carried out by using ANSYS 10.0 software for better understanding.
Recommended Citation
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