International Journal of Smart Sensor and Adhoc Network IJSSAN
ISSN: 2248-9738

Abstracting and Indexing

A Call Admission Control Scheme for Multimedia Support Over IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
Kauthale S. M.
Dept. of CSE., MBES College of Engineering Ambajogai-431517, India
These days there is an increasing interest for VoIP over wireless LANs. QoS support for real-time services like voice in the IEEE 802.11 WLAN is an important issue. Since IEEE 802.11 uses contention based MAC protocol – the distributed coordination function DCF, it is difficult to support the strict QoS requirements for voice in these networks. In this thesis a call admission scheme called “CAC” is proposed to achieve this goal, without changing the basic channel access mechanism of IEEE 802.11. CAC scheme regulates the arriving traffic in the wireless network to efficiently coordinate the medium among the contending traffic sources so that the network operates at optimal point, supporting the QoS requirements as well as providing better channel utilization. In this proposal, majority of available bandwidth is allocated to voice sources and remaining small amount is allocated for non real-time data traffic. It is expected that the proposed CAC scheme can well support strict QoS requirements, such as high throughput and low delay at the same time achieve a high channel utilization.
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