International Journal of Smart Sensor and Adhoc Network IJSSAN
ISSN: 2248-9738

Abstracting and Indexing

Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, GKM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India.,
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, GKM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India.,
Ad hoc networks are created dynamically and maintained by the individual nodes comprising the network. They do not require a pre-existing architecture for communication purposes and do not rely on any form of wired infrastructure; in an ad hoc network all communication occurs through a wireless median. The design and management of ad-hoc networks is significantly a challenging one when compared to contemporary networks. Authenticating the multicast session is an important one. To authenticate several factors should be considered, major issue are resource constraints and the wireless links. In addition to being resource efficient and robust, security solution must be provides to large group of receivers and to long multi-hop paths. The authentication must be done without much delay and should independent of the other packets. In existing TAM Tired Authentication scheme for Multicast traffic is proposed for ad-hoc networks. It exposed network clustering to reduce the overhead and to improve the scalability. Its two tired hierarchy combines the time and secretinformation asymmetry to achieve the resource efficiency and scalability. In the proposed system, a Asynchronous authentication scheme as using shared key management is proposed to resolve the foremost conflicting security requirements like group authentication and conditional privacy. The proposed batch verification scheme as a part of the protocol poses a significant reduction within the message delay, then by using shared key process so requirement of the storage management is extremely less
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