Interscience Management Review IMR

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Consumer Brand Preferences in FMCG sector with special reference to Biscuits: A study in Delhi NCR, India

Deepika Saxena
agan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, Delhi.

Dimanya Narang
Analyst, AXA XL, Delhi


Branding is very important pillar in the marketing as it motivates the consumer perceptiontowards the product. Marketers focus more on the consumer behavior to understand the image which is created in the consumers’ mind. FMCG, Fast Moving Consuming Goods which refers to those which we buy on regular or daily basis from local shops or department stores. These goods have lower value and higher turnover. Some major players in FMCG biscuits segment have been attracting the customers towards biscuits. Attracting the customers is not a big challenge for the companies but retaining them is a challenge.There are some brands which can retain customers successfully and results into strong repurchases by them. The present study focuses on the factors related to the consumer brand preferences to be converted into repurchases. Thestudy is an endeavor to describe the consumers brand preferences for biscuits. The aim of doing this study is to identify the consumer expectation towards a biscuit brand and to analyze the factors influencing the brand preferences. The research is exploratory and descriptive in nature and uses primary sources of data collection using well-structured questionnaire with a sample size of 100 respondents. The analysis of data has been done using statistical software and study uses regression model to arrive at the results. The research will help marketers to not only attract the customers towards the brand but also to retain them towards the brand for longer period of time.The study will also help the brands to create customer loyalty towards FMCG biscuits segment in the present competitive market.

Recommended Citation

Saxena, Deepika and Narang, Dimanya (2022) "Consumer Brand Preferences in FMCG sector with special reference to Biscuits: A study in Delhi NCR, India," Interscience Management Review: Vol. 5: Iss. 2, Article 6.
DOI: 10.47893/IMR.2022.1125
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