Published Date: 04-03-2012
Place of Conference: Guwahati
Publisher: Interscience Research Network
ISBN: 978-93-81693-24-7
Design and Simulation of Modified Auxiliary Resonant Boost Converter for Solar Energy Based Systems
K. R. Sunil Raj
EEE Dept., St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai - 600119, India
K. Manjunath
EEE Dept., St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai - 600119, India
Resonant Converter, Solar Photo-Voltaic panel, Zero-Current Switching, Zero-Voltage Switching, Pulse Width, Modulation techniques.
Solar Power Generation (SPG) is one of the main pollution free electrical power generation system. The efficiency enhancement in the solar system is a challenging task to Electrical Power Engineers (EPE). The efficiency of PV module is very low and its power output depends on solar insolation level and ambient temperature. So maximization of power output with greater efficiency is need of today’s scenario. Several earlier approaches [1-4] are not providing a control strategy for efficient minimization of losses. Moreover there is great loss of power due to mismatch of source and load. Hence, to extract Maximum Power from Solar Photo-Voltaic (SPV) Panel a Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT system needs to be developed. This project proposes a novel soft-switching Simple Auxiliary Resonant Boost Converter (SARC) to achieve greater output from the SPV Panels. The control scheme utilizes PWM techniques to regulate the output power of boost converter at its maximum possible value. This converter is able to turn on both the active power switches at zero current and turn off at zero voltage condition to reduce the switching losses. The detailed design analysis of the SARC has been carried out and results are also validated with SIMULINK of MATLAB 2008a software. The results are comparable with earlier approaches [3, 4]. Hence this modified auxiliary boost converter is suitable for maximisation of energy output in solar power systems.
Patnaik, Prof.Srikanta Mentor, "Proceedings of International Conference on Power System Operation and Energy Management" (2012). Conference Proceedings - Full Volumes. 62. https://www.interscience.in/conf_proc_volumes/62