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Dr. Chun Ho WU, Associate Professor in information systems management

Dr. Chun Ho WU Back


Department of Supply Chain and Information Management (SCM), The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK),Shatin, Hong Kong S.A.R., China

Short Profile

Dr. Wu is an Associate Professor in information systems management at the School of Decision Sciences, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. He worked closely with many industrial partners to support and contribute to formulating their business strategies, operations improvement and new product development. Dr Wu holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial and Systems Engineering and a PhD in Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering. He regularly contributes to research papers on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), digital transformation and enterprise information systems. In collaboration with global scholars, e.g. UK and China, his project works and research outcomes have been presented at 15+ international conferences and published in 80+ international journals, of which 70 international journal papers are in SCI/SSCI journals. He is also the leading author of IoT: Collective Intelligence for Smart Cities (ISBN: 978-012-820139-8), and IoT for Elderly, Aging and eHealth - Quality of Life and Independent Living for the Elderly (ISBN: 978-303-093386-9). As he looks to the future, Dr Wu intends to continue researching smart logistics and manufacturing.