Published Date: 26-11-2011
Place of Conference: Bhubaneswar, India
Publisher: IPM PVT. LTD., Interscience Campus, Bhubaneswar, India
DownloadProceeding of International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology
ISBN 978-93-81693-06-3 Back
Prof. Srikanta Patnaik, President, IRNet, India
About Conference
The International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology provides a forum for R&D and academicians and open to researchers from all types of institutions and organizations, aimed at providing the platform for all to interact and share the domain knowledge with each other. Areas included (but not limited to) are electronics and communications engineering, electric energy, automation, control and instrumentation, computer and information technology, and the electrical engineering aspects of building services and aerospace engineering, MATLAB Applications etc. The wide scope encompasses analogue and digital circuit design, microwave circuits and systems, optoelectronic circuits, photovoltaics, semiconductor devices, sensor technology, transport in electronic materials, VLSI technology and device processing.