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Published Date: 31-05-2024
Place of Conference: Bhopal, India
Publisher: Institute for Project Management Pvt. Ltd.

Proceeding of International Conference on Recent Development in Engineering and Technology

ISBN 978-93-81693-76-6 Back


Prof.Srikanta Patnaik MentorIRNet India

About Conference

Technology is a term used very broadly to mean any product or process developed by humans to solve a problem or meet a need. Technology affects the ability of humans to control and adapt to their environment, and it impacts human society in a variety of ways. In addition to complex machines and "high-tech" tools like the automobile and the latest smart phone "app", the simplest tools and devices, like a lever to move something or a kitchen gadget, are also considered technologies. Technology is closely associated with invention and innovation, the transformation of ideas for solving problems or meeting needs into useful new products or processes. Inventions can come from a moment of ingeniousness, as a solution to a specific problem, or as a development from years of research. Inventing requires creative thinking, investigation, and experimentation as part of the design process, a series of steps that help people to think creatively about a problem and produce a successful result. Inventors and engineers use a similar design process, although the field of engineering favors a collaborative team approach to problem-solving and design, while inventors often work alone. Many of the world's technology inventions were designed by engineers.

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