International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME

ISSN: 2231-5950

ijcct journal

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IIMT Bhubaneswar


Modelling District Energy Distribution System For Least Load Shedding

Geeta Laxmanrao Kale
Department of Energy Technology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur


The secondary energy consumption is forurban & rural sectors. The electricity generated at power plants at 11KV is transmitted & distributed to end utilities through 11/220, 220/110/33, 110/33, 33/11 transformers. In urban areas the major district energy distribution is planned by on demand through LT, HT distribution system. On an average LT HT consumer is further classified as Residential, Commercial, Industrial, & Agricultural/ others having consumptions of 25% , 13%, 53%, & 9% respectively. In urban areas the micro level preliminary studies shows that Agricultural (1%), Street light (2%) Water works 4%, Shopping malls / Advertising /Temporary supply etc. (2%), cumulatively contributes 9% energy consumptions. Due to deficiencies in energy supply side management demand is not met & load shedding & equivalent measures are taken. A case study for local energy distribution company urban division was taken & evaluated for shortfall in Electrical energy supply. A mathematical model is developed taking into consideration the objectives like least load shedding, supply & demand side management,& was analyzed for consumption patterns in end utilities & was optimized for decision making . The model helps to forecast demand side load management system including growth rate analysis.

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The reference material has been attained of through a number of sources. & [1] Principles of power system by V.K.Mehta & [2] Energy System Engineering by Efstratios N Pistikopoulos, Michael C. Georgiadis, & Vivek Dua. &[3] Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics by B.L.Theraja. & [4]Switchgear protection and power systems by Sunil S. Rao. &[5] Meeting folder, Load Shedding Port folio, Line loss Portfolio Some of the various sites that browsed through for the purpose of gathering information for this report are: : [6] : [7] :[8] : [9]Multiobjective optimization – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia- Microsoft Internet Explorer. : [10]IEEE Explore- Login-- Microsoft Internet Explore

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