International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME
ISSN: 2231-5950

Abstracting and Indexing

Modeling and Analysis for Surface roughness in Machining EN-31 steel using Response Surface Methodology
L. B. Abhang
Mechanical Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, (INDIA)
M. Hameedullah
Mechanical Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, (INDIA),
This paper utilizes the regression modeling in turning process of En-31 steel using response surface methodology (RSM) with factorial design of experiments. A first-order and second-order surface roughness predicting models were developed by using the experimental data and analysis of the relationship between the cutting conditions and response (surface roughness). In the development of predictive models, cutting parameters of cutting velocity, feed rate, depth of cut, tool nose radius and concentration of lubricants were considered as model variables, surface roughness were considered as response variable. Further, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the influence of process parameters and their interaction during machining. From the analysis, it is observed that feed rate is the most significant factor on the surface roughness followed by cutting speed and depth of cut at 95% confidence level. Tool nose radius and concentration of lubricants seem to be statistically less significant at 95% confidence level. Furthermore, the interaction of cutting velocity/feed rate, cutting velocity/ nose radius and depth of cut/nose radius were found to be statistically significant on the surface finish because their p-values are smaller than 5%. The predicted surface roughness values of the samples have been found to lie close to that of the experimentally observed values.
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