International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME

ISSN: 2231-5950

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IIMT Bhubaneswar


Vibration characteristics of nanocomposite plates under thermal conditions including nonlinear effects

A. Shooshtari
Mechanical Engineering Department, Bu-Ali Sina University, 65175 Hamedan, Iran

M. Rafiee
Mechanical Engineering Department, Bu-Ali Sina University, 65175 Hamedan, Iran


Thermo-mechanical dynamic characteristics of SWCNT-Reinforced Composite Plates are studied in this paper. The material properties of SWCNTs are assumed to be temperature-dependent and are obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. The material properties of carbon nanotube-reinforced composites (CNTRCs) are assumed to be uniform in the thickness direction, and are estimated through a micromechanical model. Based on the multi-scale approach, numerical illustrations are carried out for CNTRC plates and uniformly distributed CNTRC plates under different values of the nanotube volume fractions. The natural frequencies are obtained for nonlinear problem. Numerical results reveal that the natural frequencies as well as the nonlinear to linear frequency ratios are increased by increasing the CNT volume fraction. The results also show that the natural frequencies are reduced but the nonlinear to linear frequency ratios are increased by increasing the temperature rise.

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