International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME

ISSN: 2231-5950

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IIMT Bhubaneswar


Semantic Ids Using Wireless Sensor Network

K. Sri Ganesh
Department of Information Technology, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University,


Emerging technologies have metamorphosed the nature of surveillance and monitoring application, but the sensory data collected using various gadgets still remain changeable and poorly synchronized. An event detected by WSN formulates patterns. The sink receives the information about several events happening in the coverage area. Sink has to correlate these streaming data (events) in spatial domain (several sensors) and time domain. This paper proposes a scheme to formulate patterns based on sensing elements and a methodology for detecting an intruder using rule-based semantics. This scheme can be integrated with the surveillance systems to detect the entry of an unauthorized person into a secured area. Real Time implementations prove that events, patterns, rules can efficiently detect an intruder with the help of a wired network with appropriate database. The semantic rules are developed using ANTLR tool.

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