International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME

ISSN: 2231-5950

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IIMT Bhubaneswar


Seismic Analysis on Cylindrical Tanks Subjected to Horizontal Acceleration

Dinu James
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai,

G. Thanigaiarasu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai


The dynamic behaviour of inviscid fluid contained in horizontally accelerated cylindrical tanks is considered. Mechanical equations describing the fluid motion are developed and simplified by use of small amplitude wave approximations, enabling expressions for the different modes of vibrations, sloshing frequencies and the free surface displacements to be obtained. The expression for free surface displacement is formulated in such a way that the time histories of the free surface displacement can be calculated for tanks subjected to real earthquake accelerograms. Comparisons of predicted and finite element analysis of different modes of vibration of the cylindrical tank, sloshing frequencies and free surface displacements of a model cylindrical water tank subjected to sinusoidal acceleration was found to be in close agreement.

Recommended Citation

1. Francois Axisa and Jose Antunes – Modeling of Mechanical Systems Fluid Structure Interaction, Butterworth and Heinemann, Vol.3, 2007. 2. Bruce Hunt and Nigel Priestley- Seismic Water Waves in a Storage Tank, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.68,No.2,pp.487-499,April,1978. 3. S. Mitra and K.P Sinhamahapatra, Dynamics of Liquid Inside a Container In Three Dimension By Pressure Based Finite Element Method, International Journal of Dynamics of Fluid, ISSN 0973-1784, Vol.4,2008,pp. 43- 55. 4. Arthur P. Boresi and Richard J. Schmidt, Advanced Mechanics of Materials 6th Edition, Wiley,2002. 5. Kourosh Shahverdiani, Ali Reza Rahai and Faramarz Khoshnoudian, Fluid- Structure Interaction in Concrete Cylindrical Tanks Under Harmonic Excitation, Elsevier,2003. 6. Byeong Moo Jin, Se Jin Jeon, Seon Woon Kim and Chul Hun Chung, Earthquake Response Analysis of LNG Storage Tank by Axisymmetric Finite Element Model and Comparision to the Results of the Simple Model, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada,2004,Paper No.394.

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