International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME

ISSN: 2231-5950

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Editorial IJARME Vol 1 Issue 1

Ch.R. Vikram Kumar
N.B.K.R.I.S.T, Vidyanagar Nellore(dt) Andhra pradesh


It is my pleasure to welcome you to the first issue of the International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME), which is coming out in May 2011. Recent developments in technology, an engineer has to realize that a branch of engineering is not only limited to an independent domain, but also delve into other branch of engineering. The mechanical engineering research has become very sophisticated with the introduction of computers and electronics and paved the way for the emergence of new technologies. Globalized competitiveness and increased awareness of the environment have made the mechanical engineering research significantly different with more emphasis on competitive technologies and management approaches.

Recommended Citation

Kumar, Ch.R. Vikram (2011) "Editorial," International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering: Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 1.
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