International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME
ISSN: 2231-5950

Abstracting and Indexing

Effect of Micro-Vortex Generator in Hypersonic Inlet
Vivek V. Kumar
Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering Hindustan University
Surendra Bogadi
Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering Chennai, India
In the present study computational tests were carried out to get an understanding of the flow field in a pure mixedcompression hypersonic inlet at a free stream Mach number of 7 and an altitude of 35km. Structured meshes have been used for depicting the motion of fluid inside the inlet. First, a grid has been selected after conducting a grid study. Two dimensional simulations were carried out with standard sst k-ω model using FLUENT. Computational results are compared with the available data. The results obtained from the computational tests revealed several important flow field details at hypersonic speeds. The basic shock structure inside the inlet was obtained. The boundary layer formed inner side of the engine had an adverse pressure gradient on the top ramp. Due to this the boundary layer thickens and the static pressure starts to decrease whose effect leads till the trailing edge of inlet. By providing small wedge shaped Micro-Vortex Generator (MVG) where the shockboundary layer occurs we can smooth the boundary layer formed inside the inlet. Thus there will be more efficient compression than the actual case. The results obtained in the present series of tests, could help the hypersonic inlet design optimization at offdesign condition
Recommended Citation
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