International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering IJARME
ISSN: 2231-5950
Abstracting and Indexing
Feasibility Study of Modified Three Pass Dry Back Reversal Chamber Fire-Tube Boiler
Priobrata Kar
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Panjab University Panjab University, Chandigarh, India,
Gurmail Singh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Panjab University Panjab University, Chandigarh, India,
A well designed, operated and maintained boiler is the heart of an efficient steam plant. Research data shows that extensive research work on improving the efficiency and to quicken the steam formation from fire-tube boilers has been done all across the globe. Steam once formed cannot be stored in any container; it has to be simultaneously regulated in the required section of the plant. So a continuous and constant input of steam is desired in industries. The existing three pass dry back reversal chamber industrial boiler consists; well defined passes of fire tubes surrounded all over by water within a boiler shell. The authors have proposed another set of tubes inside the boiler shell; which introduces water inside the shell upon the fire tubes. Researchers have come up with the designs of fire-cum-water tube boilers; in which water in tubes is present in the fire chamber of the fire tube boilers to increase efficiency, minimise losses and to quicken the steam formation. The authors have mainly focused on developing a three pass fire tube boiler which compiles to minimise water loss and quicken steam formation as stated above.
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